5 kettlebell conditioning workout for explosive combat sports

A kettlebell conditioning workout is a high-intensity exercise routine that incorporates kettlebells, a type of weight training equipment that resembles a cannonball with a handle.

These workouts are designed to improve strength, endurance (specifically muscle endurance) and overall fitness.

Perform the best kettlebell conditioning workout like kettlebell clean and press, kettlebell snatch and kettlebell swing to drastically increase your power, stamina and explosive strength in combat sports.

Why kettlebell conditioning?

Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research shows kettlebell swing training improves maximal and explosive strength.

Scientists specialising in exercise have identified nine elements that comprise the definition of fitness. The following lists each of the nine elements and an example of how they are used:

  1. Strength: The extent to which muscle can exert force by contracting against resistance (holding or restraining an object or person).
  2. Power: The ability to exert maximum muscular contraction instantly in an explosive burst of movements (Jumping or sprinting)
  3. Agility: The ability to perform a series of explosive power movements in rapid succession in opposing directions (zigzag running or cutting movements)
  4. Balance: The ability to control the body’s position either stationary (handstand) or while moving (e.g. a vault or gymnastics stunt)
  5. Flexibility: The ability to achieve an extended range of motion without being impeded by excess tissue, i.e. fat or muscle (executing a leg split). Flexibility can be further broken down into static passive, dynamic and static active.
  6. Local muscular endurance: A single muscle’s ability to perform sustained work (rowing or cycling).
  7. Cardiovascular Endurance: The heart’s ability to deliver blood to working muscles and their ability to use it (running long distances)
  8. Strength endurance: A muscle’s ability to  perform a maximum contracture time after time (e.g.: continuous explosive rebounding through an entire basketball game)
  9. Coordination: The ability to integrate the above-listed components so that effective movements are achieved.

Of all the nine elements of fitness cardiac respiratory qualities are the most important to develop as they enhance all the other components of the conditioning equation.

Top 5 kettlebell conditioning workouts

#1. Kettlebell swing

The swing is the first and basic exercise in KB training. It’s a back-and-forth motion of the arm holding KB between the legs with the shoulder acting as a hinge. The Kettlebell swing is an excellent core developer that forces you to see the entire body to perform the movement. The explosive power that develops from swinging your hips, and core and tightening your legs will help in nearly all aspects of MMA training. There are different variations like single arm swing, double arm swing, and alternating arm swing.

Primary muscles involved: Full body movement, focuses on the musculature of the posterior chain. Involves the core, glutes, hamstrings, quadriceps, and lower back.

Benefits: Swing is fundamental to KB exercise. It teaches hip extension how to produce and reduce force and also links the upper and lower body as one unit.

#2 Kettlebell snatch

Snatch movement is primarily a swinging movement, as lifting KB overhead after completing the swing movement. Snatch movements involve shoulder jerking in coordination with legs. Snatch is less of shoulder and more of hip movement generated from the ground. The final fixation of KB is when arms and legs are locked out. The rest period is when you lock out your arms at the top.

Primarily muscle involved: Posterior chain (Calves, hamstrings, glutes and lower back) are majorly involved apart from the core, shoulders, triceps and biceps are also involved.

Benefits: Due to little rest position, the snatch is classified as a difficult exercise. It develops strength, explosiveness, endurance, work capacity and core strength. Improves grip strength significantly and also teaches the body to produce/reduce force which can be effectively used for sports-specific training.

#3 Kettlebell clean and press

Clean is a combination of swing and rack. Catching the bell across the forearm and biceps is commonly known as the rack position. Press is a simple overhead movement done without using legs, from the rack position lift the bell up straight less distance between your hand & ear. Bring the bell to the rack position.

Primary muscle involved: Same as swing in addition latissimus dorsi and biceps get activated due to the pulling movement of KB while racking. In press – Shoulders, triceps and upper back are the primary muscles involved.

Benefits: Similar to swing in addition to that rack position teaches how to relax under load. While racking KB’s grip strength and shoulders get worked. In press – It’s a strict upper body movement, that develops shoulders, and triceps. Swing, clean and press when done together are entire body movement which works in integrity.

#4 Turkish get-ups

All the movements initiate from the core, which is called the powerhouse of the body. Swing/snatch/jerk/long cycles do train core muscles, but Turkish get-ups exercise with KB target core directly.

Primary muscles involved: Traditional physical training refers to “CORE” to six packs, which is a misconception. The core consists of the glutes, pelvis, lower back, obliques and abdominal muscles.

Benefits: The core is the link between the upper body (torso) and the lower body (lower limbs). Maximum injuries to athletes happen due to weak cores. Conditioning of the core provides a strong and stable link and makes it resistant to injury.

#5 Kettlebell High pull

The best for explosive movement and also similar to punch. This is the best exercise to add to your routine. It improves your power in your punches or gets quicker hand speed due to its explosive pulling and pushing mechanism.

Primary muscles involved: Same as swings in the lower extremity and core, except that it involves the shoulder and trapezius.

Benefits: Highly cardiovascular without moving your feet, best for strength endurance as well.

Read also: 8-week workout plan for beginners

8-week workout plan for beginners


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